From Boston To Iran

Woman Life Freedom

Free Iran Is Not Our Hope It Is Our Mission

Our Collective Mission

We are a grassroots, non-partisan, multi-faith group of Iranian American residents of the New England area, inclusive of multiple backgrounds, gender, and LGBTQIA+ identities. We are leaders in multiple industries and excel in entrepreneurship, business operation, academia, and science. We support the demands of Iranians inside Iran who are seeking a free, secular democracy, a new constitution, and an end to theocracy. We intend to organize events, rallies, and demonstrations to bring awareness in our local communities on the atrocities committed by the Islamic regime of Iran and be a conduit in uniting the Iranian American community in New England to be the voice of the people in Iran and demand action from our elected officials at local and federal levels. We are not affiliated with any political or non-profit organizations or lobbying groups. We are not affiliated with IAB and IIB (aka. IIoB) and organize events independently, free of any influence.

What's Happening In Iran

Mahsa Zhina Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, was brutally beaten to death by the “morality police” in Tehran for showing her hair beneath her hijab on September 16. Her tragic death sparked a revolution in Iran in response to the continuous oppression and injustices women face in Iran.

On September 16, major protests broke out around the country. At the front lines of these protests are young women and men. Many are students and artists. Thousands of these protesters are being beaten, killed, and imprisoned. In addition, on September 19, the Islamic Republic shut down the country’s internet, blocked access to social media sites, and slowed cellphone connectivity.

On October 1, approximately one million people in over 150 cities gathered in solidarity with the women and people of Iran fighting for their human rights. On October 2, police descended upon Sharif University, trapping 2000+ students and faculty in school parking lots, dorms, and classrooms. Students are being beaten, murdered, and raped en mass. We have sources on the ground who have confirmed the following crimes against humanity: police are using machine guns to shoot down hundreds of protestors in the streets. Police are posing as medical help, using ambulances to shoot protestors. When injured protestors come to the hospital seeking medical aid, police drug, kidnap, and disappear them. Artists, athletes, journalists, scholars, and other high-profile leaders who speak out are being detained, imprisoned, or have gone into hiding (on the run from the police.) Artists and intellectuals are honored in Iranian culture, but today, the Islamic Republic is murdering them in cold blood.

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